Red salmon oil derive’s from 100% pure salmon with a nutritional profile rich in unsaturated fatty acid, particularly the omega-3 and omega-6.
These Essential Fatty Acids “E.F.A’s” provide the carp with the essential fatty acids for a carps metabolism that they themselves cannot synthesize, making this liquid very attractive to cyprinids with approved food value and improving palatability.
Our Red salmon oil is a clean refined oil, with its reddish colour, a tell tale of the quality in this product compared to thicker cloudy less refined oils on the market, making it more suitable in lower temperatures before solidification.
You cant use too much, either soaking into baits, coating surface baits or pellets, dunking mesh bags, injecting into solid bags or rolling into your own boilies at 40-60ml per kilo or making those Hook bait specials!
Another Team SBM top tip, coating your freezer bait in a bucket with salmon oil prolongs the breakdown process of the bait as the air cannot get to the boilie as quickly with the thin layer of salmon oil in the skin of the bait, ideal for longer bank side sessions!
199 SEK
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